Thursday, September 2, 2010

Simply more Pictures

Now We Have Two!!!

Two granddaughters that is, and we could not be happier!!! Miss Libby May Percival was born on August 12th at 12:54 pm weighing in at 8 lbs. 12 ozs. and 22 inches long. She is a little blondie with hair that sticks straight up and she has dark blue/gray eyes. She spent the first week in the NICU due to an infection which was never really determined. That's OK, because she is now healthy and a very good baby. I never had one that slept like she does!!
Life is so good when all things work out well. Pat and I are so very blessed to now have two granddaughters to complete our family. Pat's nickname for Gracie is Shorty and Libby's is Squirt. Too cute. Gracie is so head over heels for her Pop that maybe I can be Libby's favorite!! (Not if Pop has anything to do with it!) He loves his girls.
I hope to update a lot more....I know I have been very delinquent. Here are some of my favorite photos.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I was tagged by one of my best buds, Laura to answer the following here goes.

1. Who is your style icon?
Laura or Jenny...they always look so cute and put together.

2. What is your favorite socialite lit book?
Does Good Housekeeping count as a lit. book??

3. Favorite party theme?
I love to plan a party, any kind will do. I especially love to help plan weddings.

4. Halloween parties?
I love going to the parties, HATE thinking up a costume.

5. Extravagance you cannot live without?
My computer, I am hooked on playing games and reading blogs.

6. Living person you admire?
Would definitely be my mother. Words cannot describe what a saint she is.

7. Greatest Fear?
Something happening to my children or grandchildren.

8. Trait you dislike in yourself?

Without a doubt, self discipline (examples: yo-yo dieting, exercise,flossing, you name it, and I don't do it!)

9. Which talent would you most like to have?
Oh, how I would love to be able to play the piano. I even took lessons as an adult...but sadly, I have no "ear" for it...or on second thought....maybe no self-discipline as explained above!

10. Greatest Achievement?
Raising an incredible son and daughter, being married almost 35 years and getting to go on medical missions to Honduras....all these are not really achievements, they are really more my gifts I have been given and are grateful for.


I can't believe my beautiful baby girl is 31 years old today! Where has the time gone? My life has been so blessed by my daughter. Words are inadequate to describe my love for her. She's funny, she's blonde, she's athletic, she's a wonderful mother, a great cook, an awesome wife. She is my buddy, my shopping partner, my painting partner, my project partner, my telephone buddy, you name it, she's it. She and I are so fortunate to have this incredible relationship, that many times mothers and daughters don't share, and thankfully have had all our life. So on this day, your birthday, I salute you, I am grateful for you, and I hope you enrich your own daughter's life as much as you have enriched mine, my dear sweet, crazy daughter, Elizabeth.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


What a Glorious day we had today at St. Peter and St. Paul's first Kite Fest. God truly smiled on us today with incredible weather. We had a great time. One of the coolest things of all was watching families together...seeing parents playing with their children, not video games, no i-phones, etc., just outside in all of God's beauty... flying kites, painting faces, decorating cookies, eating funnel cakes, "fishing", duck ponding and the works. It was awesome. We are already thinking of how we can improve it for next year! (Elizabeth and Grace are coming this week and so hopefully I will learn how to post pictures!!!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Drew turned 28 on Feb. 9th. My little boy isn't so little any more!! Drew is about the coolest young man ever. He has always gone to the beat of a different drummer and I love him for that. Drew does what makes him happy, not what "society" thinks he should do. Most people are envious of that. I have had many adult men tell me they wish they had been as brave as Drew to do what their heart led them to do, not their pocketbook. He has gone on many adventures in his short life, probably the coolest being the time he spent in Ecuador. He is passionate in his beliefs and is not afraid to let you know what he thinks....I wonder who he inherited that from??
So my dear Drew, I hope you had a great day. You are an awesome young man and have made your father and I very proud that you are our son.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Who Knew??

Who knew how life would change when a grandchild came along. My friends who were already grandparents told me that it was hard to explain. They could not put it into words. I now know exactly what they mean. When Elizabeth and David had their child, Miss Gracie in Feb. of 2008, Pat and I of course became grandparents. An amazing thing happened...I felt more love than I had ever felt before...not only for Grace, but for my daughter. Pat and I were changed forever. Those of you who know Mr.Gruff Pat,well he has become the best, loving, hilarious, playful "Pop" in the world. He has to have a "Grace Report" everyday. He carries a picture of her with him at all times, and has not one, but two pictures collages of her in his office. Like I said...who knew?? Do we want to go on exotic vacations anymore, not really, we'd rather be in Arlington. And when we did go on our exotic vacation to Ecuador with Drew this past September, he told Elizabeth that all we did was talk about Grace!!
Grace will be turning 2 years old in about ten days...I can't believe time has gone so fast. She is the love of my life and I adore her every word, tantrum, eating binge and anything else she does. Am I hopelessly in love...YES I AM!! And the fun thing is, we're gonna get another one in August! Thank you Elizabeth and David.
Life just gets better and better....who knew??

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome Aboard to JB's Jibberish

Hello World!! I am so excited to finally get a blog.....lord knows I read enough of every one else's. Who knows what might happen here...memories, Gracie stories, trips, and life in general. Hope you enjoy my "Jibberish".